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A transient gravitational-wave signal, GW150914, was identified in the twin Advanced LIGO detectors on 2015 September 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC. To assess the implications of this discovery, the detectors remained in operation with unchanged configurations over a period of 39 days around the time of the signal. At the detection statistic threshold corresponding to that observed for GW150914, our search of the 16 days of simultaneous two-detector observational data is estimated to have a false-alarm rate (FAR) of $\lt 4.9\times {10}^{-6}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$, yielding a p-value for GW150914 of $\lt 2\times {10}^{-7}$. Parameter estimation follow-up on this trigger identifies its source as a binary black hole (BBH) merger with component masses $({m}_{1},{m}_{2})=({36}_{-4}^{+5},{29}_{-4}^{+4})\,{M}_{\odot }$ at redshift $z={0.09}_{-0.04}^{+0.03}$ (median and 90% credible range). Here, we report on the constraints these observations place on the rate of BBH coalescences. Considering only GW150914, assuming that all BBHs in the universe have the same masses and spins as this event, imposing a search FAR threshold of 1 per 100 years, and assuming that the BBH merger rate is constant in the comoving frame, we infer a 90% credible range of merger rates between $2\mbox{--}53\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$ (comoving frame). Incorporating all search triggers that pass a much lower threshold while accounting for the uncertainty in the astrophysical origin of each trigger, we estimate a higher rate, ranging from $13\mbox{--}600\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$ depending on assumptions about the BBH mass distribution. All together, our various rate estimates fall in the conservative range $2\mbox{--}600\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$.
Abbott, B. P.;Abbott, R.;Abbott, T. D.;Abernathy, M. R.;Acernese, F.;Ackley, K.;Adams, C.;Adams, T.;Addesso, P.;Adhikari, R. X.;Adya, V. B.;Affeldt, C.;Agathos, M.;Agatsuma, K.;Aggarwal, N.;Aguiar, O. D.;Aiello, L.;Ain, A.;Ajith, P.;Allen, B.;Allocca, A.;Altin, P. A.;Anderson, S. B.;Anderson, W. G.;Arai, K.;Araya, M. C.;Arceneaux, C. C.;Areeda, J. S.;Arnaud, N.;Arun, K. G.;Ascenzi, S.;Ashton, G.;Ast, M.;Aston, S. M.;Astone, P.;Aufmuth, P.;Aulbert, C.;Babak, S.;Bacon, P.;Bader, M. K. M.;Baker, P. T.;Baldaccini, F.;Ballardin, G.;Ballmer, S. W.;Barayoga, J. C.;Barclay, S. E.;Barish, B. C.;Barker, D.;Barone, F.;Barr, B.;Barsotti, L.;Barsuglia, M.;Barta, D.;Bartlett, J.;Bartos, I.;Bassiri, R.;Basti, A.;Batch, J. C.;Baune, C.;Bavigadda, V.;Bazzan, M.;Behnke, B.;Bejger, M.;Bell, A. S.;Bell, C. J.;Berger, B. K.;Bergman, J.;Bergmann, G.;Berry, C. P. L.;Bersanetti, D.;Bertolini, A.;Betzwieser, J.;Bhagwat, S.;Bhandare, R.;Bilenko, I. A.;Billingsley, G.;Birch, J.;Birney, R.;Biscans, S.;Bisht, A.;Bitossi, M.;Biwer, C.;Bizouard, M. A.;Blackburn, J. K.;Blair, C. D.;Blair, D. G.;Blair, R. M.;Bloemen, S.;Bock, O.;Bodiya, T. P.;Boer, M.;Bogaert, G.;Bogan, C.;Bohe, A.;Bojtos, P.;Bond, C.;Bondu, F.;Bonnand, R.;Boom, B. A.;Bork, R.;Boschi, V.;Bose, S.;Bouffanais, Y.;Bozzi, A.;Bradaschia, C.;Brady, P. R.;Braginsky, V. B.;BRANCHESI, MARICA;Brau, J. E.;Briant, T.;Brillet, A.;Brinkmann, M.;Brisson, V.;Brockill, P.;Brooks, A. F.;Brown, D. A.;Brown, D. D.;Brown, N. M.;Buchanan, C. C.;Buikema, A.;Bulik, T.;Bulten, H. J.;Buonanno, A.;Buskulic, D.;Buy, C.;Byer, R. L.;Cadonati, L.;Cagnoli, G.;Cahillane, C.;Bustillo, J. Calderón;Callister, T.;Calloni, E.;Camp, J. B.;Cannon, K. C.;Cao, J.;Capano, C. D.;Capocasa, E.;Carbognani, F.;Caride, S.;Diaz, J. Casanueva;Casentini, C.;Caudill, S.;Cavaglià, M.;Cavalier, F.;Cavalieri, R.;Cella, G.;Cepeda, C. B.;CERBONI BAIARDI, LORENZO;Cerretani, G.;Cesarini, E.;Chakraborty, R.;Chalermsongsak, T.;Chamberlin, S. J.;Chan, M.;Chao, S.;Charlton, P.;Chassande Mottin, E.;Chen, H. Y.;Chen, Y.;Cheng, C.;Chincarini, A.;Chiummo, A.;Cho, H. S.;Cho, M.;Chow, J. H.;Christensen, N.;Chu, Q.;Chua, S.;Chung, S.;Ciani, G.;Clara, F.;Clark, J. A.;Cleva, F.;Coccia, E.;Cohadon, P. F.;Colla, A.;Collette, C. G.;Cominsky, L.;M. , Constancio J.r.;Conte, A.;Conti, L.;Cook, D.;Corbitt, T. R.;Cornish, N.;Corsi, A.;Cortese, S.;Costa, C. A.;Coughlin, M. W.;Coughlin, S. B.;Coulon, J. P.;Countryman, S. T.;Couvares, P.;Cowan, E. E.;Coward, D. M.;Cowart, M. J.;Coyne, D. C.;Coyne, R.;Craig, K.;Creighton, J. D. E.;Cripe, J.;Crowder, S. G.;Cumming, A.;Cunningham, L.;Cuoco, E.;Canton, T. Dal;Danilishin, S. L.;D’Antonio, S.;Danzmann, K.;Darman, N. S.;Dattilo, V.;Dave, I.;Daveloza, H. P.;Davier, M.;Davies, G. S.;Daw, E. J.;Day, R.;De, S.;Debra, D.;Debreczeni, G.;Degallaix, J.;Laurentis, M. De;Deléglise, S.;Pozzo, W. Del;Denker, T.;Dent, T.;Dereli, H.;Dergachev, V.;Rosa, R. De;Derosa, R. T.;Desalvo, R.;Dhurandhar, S.;Díaz, M. C.;Fiore, L. Di;Giovanni, M. Di;Lieto, A. Di;Pace, S. Di;Palma, I. Di;Virgilio, A. Di;Dojcinoski, G.;Dolique, V.;Donovan, F.;Dooley, K. L.;Doravari, S.;Douglas, R.;Downes, T. P.;Drago, M.;Drever, R. W. P.;Driggers, J. C.;Du, Z.;Ducrot, M.;Dwyer, S. E.;Edo, T. B.;Edwards, M. C.;Effler, A.;Eggenstein, H. B.;Ehrens, P.;Eichholz, J.;Eikenberry, S. S.;Engels, W.;Essick, R. C.;Etzel, T.;Evans, M.;Evans, T. M.;Everett, R.;Factourovich, M.;Fafone, V.;Fair, H.;Fairhurst, S.;Fan, X.;Fang, Q.;Farinon, S.;Farr, B.;Farr, W. M.;Favata, M.;Fays, M.;Fehrmann, H.;Fejer, M. M.;Ferrante, I.;Ferreira, E. C.;Ferrini, F.;Fidecaro, F.;Fiori, I.;Fiorucci, D.;Fisher, R. P.;Flaminio, R.;Fletcher, M.;Fong, H.;Fournier, J. D.;Franco, S.;Frasca, S.;Frasconi, F.;Frei, Z.;Freise, A.;Frey, R.;Frey, V.;Fricke, T. T.;Fritschel, P.;Frolov, V. V.;Fulda, P.;Fyffe, M.;Gabbard, H. A. G.;Gair, J. R.;Gammaitoni, L.;Gaonkar, S. G.;Garufi, F.;Gatto, A.;Gaur, G.;Gehrels, N.;Gemme, G.;Gendre, B.;Genin, E.;Gennai, A.;George, J.;Gergely, L.;Germain, V.;Ghosh, Archisman;Ghosh, S.;Giaime, J. A.;Giardina, K. D.;Giazotto, A.;Gill, K.;Glaefke, A.;Goetz, E.;Goetz, R.;Gondan, L.;González, G.;Castro, J. M. Gonzalez;Gopakumar, A.;Gordon, N. A.;Gorodetsky, M. L.;Gossan, S. E.;Gosselin, M.;Gouaty, R.;Graef, C.;Graff, P. B.;Granata, M.;Grant, A.;Gras, S.;Gray, C.;GRECO, GIUSEPPE;Green, A. C.;Groot, P.;Grote, H.;Grunewald, S.;GUIDI, GIANLUCA MARIA;Guo, X.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, M. K.;Gushwa, K. E.;Gustafson, E. K.;Gustafson, R.;Hacker, J. J.;Hall, B. R.;Hall, E. D.;Hammond, G.;Haney, M.;Hanke, M. M.;Hanks, J.;Hanna, C.;Hannam, M. D.;Hanson, J.;Hardwick, T.;HARMS, JAN;Harry, G. M.;Harry, I. W.;Hart, M. J.;Hartman, M. T.;Haster, C. J.;Haughian, K.;Heidmann, A.;Heintze, M. C.;Heitmann, H.;Hello, P.;Hemming, G.;Hendry, M.;Heng, I. S.;Hennig, J.;Heptonstall, A. W.;Heurs, M.;Hild, S.;Hoak, D.;Hodge, K. A.;Hofman, D.;Hollitt, S. E.;Holt, K.;Holz, D. E.;Hopkins, P.;Hosken, D. J.;Hough, J.;Houston, E. A.;Howell, E. J.;Hu, Y. M.;Huang, S.;Huerta, E. A.;Huet, D.;Hughey, B.;Husa, S.;Huttner, S. H.;Huynh Dinh, T.;Idrisy, A.;Indik, N.;Ingram, D. R.;Inta, R.;Isa, H. N.;Isac, J. M.;Isi, M.;Islas, G.;Isogai, T.;Iyer, B. R.;Izumi, K.;Jacqmin, T.;Jang, H.;Jani, K.;Jaranowski, P.;Jawahar, S.;Jiménez Forteza, F.;Johnson, W. W.;Jones, D. I.;Jones, R.;Jonker, R. J. G.;Ju, L.;K, Haris;Kalaghatgi, C. V.;Kalogera, V.;Kandhasamy, S.;Kang, G.;Kanner, J. B.;Karki, S.;Kasprzack, M.;Katsavounidis, E.;Katzman, W.;Kaufer, S.;Kaur, T.;Kawabe, K.;Kawazoe, F.;Kéfélian, F.;Kehl, M. S.;Keitel, D.;Kelley, D. B.;Kells, W.;Kennedy, R.;Key, J. S.;Khalaidovski, A.;Khalili, F. Y.;Khan, I.;Khan, S.;Khan, Z.;Khazanov, E. A.;Kijbunchoo, N.;Kim, C.;Kim, J.;Kim, K.;Kim, Nam Gyu;Kim, Namjun;Kim, Y. M.;King, E. J.;King, P. J.;Kinzel, D. L.;Kissel, J. S.;Kleybolte, L.;Klimenko, S.;Koehlenbeck, S. M.;Kokeyama, K.;Koley, S.;Kondrashov, V.;Kontos, A.;Korobko, M.;Korth, W. Z.;Kowalska, I.;Kozak, D. B.;Kringel, V.;Krishnan, B.;Królak, A.;Krueger, C.;Kuehn, G.;Kumar, P.;Kuo, L.;Kutynia, A.;Lackey, B. D.;Landry, M.;Lange, J.;Lantz, B.;Lasky, P. D.;Lazzarini, A.;Lazzaro, C.;Leaci, P.;Leavey, S.;Lebigot, E. O.;Lee, C. H.;Lee, H. K.;Lee, H. M.;Lee, K.;Lenon, A.;Leonardi, M.;Leong, J. R.;Leroy, N.;Letendre, N.;Levin, Y.;Levine, B. M.;Li, T. G. F.;Libson, A.;Littenberg, T. B.;Lockerbie, N. A.;Logue, J.;Lombardi, A. L.;Lord, J. E.;Lorenzini, M.;Loriette, V.;Lormand, M.;Losurdo, G.;Lough, J. D.;Lück, H.;Lundgren, A. P.;Luo, J.;Lynch, R.;Ma, Y.;Macdonald, T.;Machenschalk, B.;Macinnis, M.;Macleod, D. M.;Magaña Sandoval, F.;Magee, R. M.;Mageswaran, M.;Majorana, E.;Maksimovic, I.;Malvezzi, V.;Man, N.;Mandel, I.;Mandic, V.;Mangano, V.;Mansell, G. L.;Manske, M.;Mantovani, M.;Marchesoni, F.;Marion, F.;Márka, S.;Márka, Z.;Markosyan, A. S.;Maros, E.;MARTELLI, FILIPPO;Martellini, L.;Martin, I. W.;Martin, R. M.;Martynov, D. V.;Marx, J. N.;Mason, K.;Masserot, A.;Massinger, T. J.;Masso Reid, M.;Matichard, F.;Matone, L.;Mavalvala, N.;Mazumder, N.;Mazzolo, G.;Mccarthy, R.;Mcclelland, D. E.;Mccormick, S.;Mcguire, S. C.;Mcintyre, G.;Mciver, J.;Mcmanus, D. J.;Mcwilliams, S. T.;Meacher, D.;Meadors, G. D.;Meidam, J.;Melatos, A.;Mendell, G.;Mendoza Gandara, D.;Mercer, R. A.;Merilh, E.;Merzougui, M.;Meshkov, S.;Messenger, C.;Messick, C.;Meyers, P. M.;Mezzani, F.;Miao, H.;Michel, C.;Middleton, H.;Mikhailov, E. E.;Milano, L.;Miller, J.;Millhouse, M.;Minenkov, Y.;Ming, J.;Mirshekari, S.;Mishra, C.;Mitra, S.;Mitrofanov, V. P.;Mitselmakher, G.;Mittleman, R.;Moggi, A.;Mohan, M.;Mohapatra, S. R. P.;MONTANI, MATTEO;Moore, B. C.;Moore, C. J.;Moraru, D.;Moreno, G.;Morriss, S. R.;Mossavi, K.;Mours, B.;Mow Lowry, C. M.;Mueller, C. L.;Mueller, G.;Muir, A. W.;Mukherjee, Arunava;Mukherjee, D.;Mukherjee, S.;Mukund, N.;Mullavey, A.;Munch, J.;Murphy, D. J.;Murray, P. G.;Mytidis, A.;Nardecchia, I.;Naticchioni, L.;Nayak, R. K.;Necula, V.;Nedkova, K.;Nelemans, G.;Neri, M.;Neunzert, A.;Newton, G.;Nguyen, T. T.;Nielsen, A. B.;Nissanke, S.;Nitz, A.;Nocera, F.;Nolting, D.;Normandin, M. E.;Nuttall, L. K.;Oberling, J.;Ochsner, E.;O’Dell, J.;Oelker, E.;Ogin, G. H.;Oh, J. J.;Oh, S. H.;Ohme, F.;Oliver, M.;Oppermann, P.;Oram, Richard J.;O’Reilly, B.;O’Shaughnessy, R.;Ottaway, D. J.;Ottens, R. S.;Overmier, H.;Owen, B. J.;Pai, A.;Pai, S. A.;Palamos, J. R.;Palashov, O.;Palomba, C.;Pal Singh, A.;Pan, H.;Pankow, C.;Pannarale, F.;Pant, B. C.;Paoletti, F.;Paoli, A.;Papa, M. A.;Paris, H. R.;Parker, W.;Pascucci, D.;Pasqualetti, A.;Passaquieti, R.;Passuello, D.;Patricelli, B.;Patrick, Z.;Pearlstone, B. L.;Pedraza, M.;Pedurand, R.;Pekowsky, L.;Pele, A.;Penn, S.;Perreca, A.;Phelps, M.;Piccinni, O.;Pichot, M.;PIERGIOVANNI, FRANCESCO;Pierro, V.;Pillant, G.;Pinard, L.;Pinto, I. M.;Pitkin, M.;Poggiani, R.;Popolizio, P.;Porter, E. K.;Post, A.;Powell, J.;Prasad, J.;Predoi, V.;Premachandra, S. S.;Prestegard, T.;Price, L. R.;Prijatelj, M.;Principe, M.;Privitera, S.;Prodi, G. A.;Prokhorov, L.;Puncken, O.;Punturo, M.;Puppo, P.;Pürrer, M.;Qi, H.;Qin, J.;Quetschke, V.;Quintero, E. A.;Quitzow James, R.;Raab, F. J.;Rabeling, D. S.;Radkins, H.;Raffai, P.;Raja, S.;Rakhmanov, M.;Rapagnani, P.;Raymond, V.;Razzano, M.;Re, V.;Read, J.;Reed, C. M.;Regimbau, T.;Rei, L.;Reid, S.;Reitze, D. H.;Rew, H.;Reyes, S. D.;Ricci, F.;Riles, K.;Robertson, N. A.;Robie, R.;Robinet, F.;Rocchi, A.;Rolland, L.;Rollins, J. G.;Roma, V. J.;Romano, R.;Romanov, G.;Romie, J. H.;Rosińska, D.;Rowan, S.;Rüdiger, A.;Ruggi, P.;Ryan, K.;Sachdev, S.;Sadecki, T.;Sadeghian, L.;Salconi, L.;Saleem, M.;Salemi, F.;Samajdar, A.;Sammut, L.;Sampson, L.;Sanchez, E. J.;Sandberg, V.;Sandeen, B.;Sanders, J. R.;Sassolas, B.;Sathyaprakash, B. S.;Saulson, P. R.;Sauter, O.;Savage, R. L.;Sawadsky, A.;Schale, P.;Schilling, R.;Schmidt, J.;Schmidt, P.;Schnabel, R.;Schofield, R. M. S.;Schönbeck, A.;Schreiber, E.;Schuette, D.;Schutz, B. F.;Scott, J.;Scott, S. M.;Sellers, D.;Sengupta, A. S.;Sentenac, D.;Sequino, V.;Sergeev, A.;Serna, G.;Setyawati, Y.;Sevigny, A.;Shaddock, D. A.;Shah, S.;Shahriar, M. S.;Shaltev, M.;Shao, Z.;Shapiro, B.;Shawhan, P.;Sheperd, A.;Shoemaker, D. H.;Shoemaker, D. M.;Siellez, K.;Siemens, X.;Sigg, D.;Silva, A. D.;Simakov, D.;Singer, A.;Singer, L. P.;Singh, A.;Singh, R.;Singhal, A.;Sintes, A. M.;Slagmolen, B. J. J.;Smith, J. R.;Smith, N. D.;Smith, R. J. E.;Son, E. J.;Sorazu, B.;Sorrentino, F.;Souradeep, T.;Srivastava, A. K.;Staley, A.;Steinke, M.;Steinlechner, J.;Steinlechner, S.;Steinmeyer, D.;Stephens, B. C.;Stevenson, S.;Stone, R.;Strain, K. A.;Straniero, N.;STRATTA, MARIA GIULIANA;Strauss, N. A.;Strigin, S.;Sturani, R.;Stuver, A. L.;Summerscales, T. Z.;Sun, L.;Sutton, P. J.;Swinkels, B. L.;Szczepańczyk, M. J.;Tacca, M.;Talukder, D.;Tanner, D. B.;Tápai, M.;Tarabrin, S. P.;Taracchini, A.;Taylor, R.;Theeg, T.;Thirugnanasambandam, M. P.;Thomas, E. G.;Thomas, M.;Thomas, P.;Thorne, K. A.;Thorne, K. S.;Thrane, E.;Tiwari, S.;Tiwari, V.;Tokmakov, K. V.;Tomlinson, C.;Tonelli, M.;Torres, C. V.;Torrie, C. I.;Töyrä, D.;Travasso, F.;Traylor, G.;Trifirò, D.;Tringali, M. C.;Trozzo, L.;Tse, M.;Turconi, M.;Tuyenbayev, D.;Ugolini, D.;Unnikrishnan, C. S.;Urban, A. L.;Usman, S. A.;Vahlbruch, H.;Vajente, G.;Valdes, G.;Vallisneri, M.;Bakel, N. van;Beuzekom, M. van;Brand, J. F. J. van den;Broeck, C. Van Den;Vander Hyde, D. C.;Schaaf, L. van der;Heijningen, J. V. van;Veggel, A. A. van;Vardaro, M.;Vass, S.;Vasúth, M.;Vaulin, R.;Vecchio, A.;Vedovato, G.;Veitch, J.;Veitch, P. J.;Venkateswara, K.;Verkindt, D.;VETRANO, FLAVIO;VICERE', ANDREA;Vinciguerra, S.;Vine, D. J.;Vinet, J. Y.;Vitale, S.;Vo, T.;Vocca, H.;Vorvick, C.;Voss, D.;Vousden, W. D.;Vyatchanin, S. P.;Wade, A. R.;Wade, L. E.;Wade, M.;Walker, M.;Wallace, L.;Walsh, S.;Wang, G.;Wang, H.;Wang, M.;Wang, X.;Wang, Y.;Ward, R. L.;Warner, J.;Was, M.;Weaver, B.;Wei, L. W.;Weinert, M.;Weinstein, A. J.;Weiss, R.;Welborn, T.;Wen, L.;Weßels, P.;Westphal, T.;Wette, K.;Whelan, J. T.;White, D. J.;Whiting, B. F.;Williams, R. D.;Williamson, A. R.;Willis, J. L.;Willke, B.;Wimmer, M. H.;Winkler, W.;Wipf, C. C.;Wittel, H.;Woan, G.;Worden, J.;Wright, J. L.;Wu, G.;Yablon, J.;Yam, W.;Yamamoto, H.;Yancey, C. C.;Yap, M. J.;Yu, H.;Yvert, M.;Zadrożny, A.;Zangrando, L.;Zanolin, M.;Zendri, J. P.;Zevin, M.;Zhang, F.;Zhang, L.;Zhang, M.;Zhang, Y.;Zhao, C.;Zhou, M.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, X. J.;Zucker, M. E.;Zuraw, S. E.;Zweizig, J.
A transient gravitational-wave signal, GW150914, was identified in the twin Advanced LIGO detectors on 2015 September 2015 at 09:50:45 UTC. To assess the implications of this discovery, the detectors remained in operation with unchanged configurations over a period of 39 days around the time of the signal. At the detection statistic threshold corresponding to that observed for GW150914, our search of the 16 days of simultaneous two-detector observational data is estimated to have a false-alarm rate (FAR) of $\lt 4.9\times {10}^{-6}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$, yielding a p-value for GW150914 of $\lt 2\times {10}^{-7}$. Parameter estimation follow-up on this trigger identifies its source as a binary black hole (BBH) merger with component masses $({m}_{1},{m}_{2})=({36}_{-4}^{+5},{29}_{-4}^{+4})\,{M}_{\odot }$ at redshift $z={0.09}_{-0.04}^{+0.03}$ (median and 90% credible range). Here, we report on the constraints these observations place on the rate of BBH coalescences. Considering only GW150914, assuming that all BBHs in the universe have the same masses and spins as this event, imposing a search FAR threshold of 1 per 100 years, and assuming that the BBH merger rate is constant in the comoving frame, we infer a 90% credible range of merger rates between $2\mbox{--}53\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$ (comoving frame). Incorporating all search triggers that pass a much lower threshold while accounting for the uncertainty in the astrophysical origin of each trigger, we estimate a higher rate, ranging from $13\mbox{--}600\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$ depending on assumptions about the BBH mass distribution. All together, our various rate estimates fall in the conservative range $2\mbox{--}600\,{\mathrm{Gpc}}^{-3}\,{\mathrm{yr}}^{-1}$.
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Il report seguente simula gli indicatori relativi alla propria produzione scientifica in relazione alle soglie ASN 2023-2025 del proprio SC/SSD. Si ricorda che il superamento dei valori soglia (almeno 2 su 3) è requisito necessario ma non sufficiente al conseguimento dell'abilitazione. La simulazione si basa sui dati IRIS e sugli indicatori bibliometrici alla data indicata e non tiene conto di eventuali periodi di congedo obbligatorio, che in sede di domanda ASN danno diritto a incrementi percentuali dei valori. La simulazione può differire dall'esito di un’eventuale domanda ASN sia per errori di catalogazione e/o dati mancanti in IRIS, sia per la variabilità dei dati bibliometrici nel tempo. Si consideri che Anvur calcola i valori degli indicatori all'ultima data utile per la presentazione delle domande.
La presente simulazione è stata realizzata sulla base delle specifiche raccolte sul tavolo ER del Focus Group IRIS coordinato dall’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e delle regole riportate nel DM 589/2018 e allegata Tabella A. Cineca, l’Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia e il Focus Group IRIS non si assumono alcuna responsabilità in merito all’uso che il diretto interessato o terzi faranno della simulazione. Si specifica inoltre che la simulazione contiene calcoli effettuati con dati e algoritmi di pubblico dominio e deve quindi essere considerata come un mero ausilio al calcolo svolgibile manualmente o con strumenti equivalenti.