Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 10.569
NA - Nord America 8.694
AS - Asia 4.943
AF - Africa 393
OC - Oceania 190
SA - Sud America 89
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 15
AN - Antartide 1
Totale 24.894
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.483
IT - Italia 3.380
GB - Regno Unito 2.765
CN - Cina 1.750
UA - Ucraina 1.369
PH - Filippine 892
SE - Svezia 569
TR - Turchia 521
DE - Germania 511
SG - Singapore 422
FI - Finlandia 419
IE - Irlanda 410
HK - Hong Kong 286
MY - Malesia 254
IN - India 179
FR - Francia 174
AU - Australia 155
NL - Olanda 152
CA - Canada 151
AT - Austria 125
EG - Egitto 102
ZA - Sudafrica 97
ES - Italia 93
RU - Federazione Russa 91
PK - Pakistan 83
BE - Belgio 75
PL - Polonia 72
PT - Portogallo 67
VN - Vietnam 62
KR - Corea 51
CH - Svizzera 48
PS - Palestinian Territory 48
KE - Kenya 40
SA - Arabia Saudita 40
JP - Giappone 39
ID - Indonesia 36
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 35
BR - Brasile 33
LK - Sri Lanka 33
GR - Grecia 30
BD - Bangladesh 29
RO - Romania 29
HU - Ungheria 28
IR - Iran 27
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 26
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 26
MA - Marocco 25
MX - Messico 24
NO - Norvegia 20
TH - Thailandia 20
NG - Nigeria 19
OM - Oman 19
GA - Gabon 18
IL - Israele 17
LT - Lituania 17
PE - Perù 16
AR - Argentina 15
DK - Danimarca 14
EE - Estonia 14
CO - Colombia 12
AL - Albania 11
DZ - Algeria 11
EU - Europa 11
AM - Armenia 10
BH - Bahrain 9
CY - Cipro 9
TW - Taiwan 9
BS - Bahamas 8
GH - Ghana 8
JO - Giordania 8
MT - Malta 8
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 8
CL - Cile 7
IQ - Iraq 7
LU - Lussemburgo 7
SV - El Salvador 7
TG - Togo 7
TN - Tunisia 7
BB - Barbados 6
CM - Camerun 6
FJ - Figi 6
KH - Cambogia 6
KW - Kuwait 6
MV - Maldive 6
NP - Nepal 6
BG - Bulgaria 5
BT - Bhutan 5
EC - Ecuador 5
MU - Mauritius 5
SO - Somalia 5
TZ - Tanzania 5
AZ - Azerbaigian 4
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 4
KZ - Kazakistan 4
LS - Lesotho 4
MW - Malawi 4
NA - Namibia 4
RS - Serbia 4
SL - Sierra Leone 4
TT - Trinidad e Tobago 4
Totale 24.817
Città #
Southend 2.063
Jacksonville 1.053
Chandler 707
Woodbridge 671
Ann Arbor 621
Houston 576
Fairfield 562
Nanjing 473
Wilmington 384
Izmir 337
Ashburn 318
Dublin 316
Cambridge 309
Singapore 308
Boardman 288
Milan 224
Central 220
Rome 213
Seattle 212
Nanchang 186
San Mateo 181
Helsinki 177
Princeton 173
New York 141
Beijing 121
Quezon City 114
Urbino 114
Shenyang 101
Vienna 100
Changsha 96
Hebei 94
London 91
Istanbul 90
Tianjin 88
Jiaxing 81
Bremen 77
Kuala Lumpur 74
Menlo Park 74
Bologna 72
Redwood City 72
Wuppertal 72
Manila 71
Cairo 66
Santarcangelo 58
Davao City 53
Velikiy Novgorod 52
Naples 51
Jinan 50
Kunming 50
Seongnam 43
Caloocan City 42
Brussels 41
Turin 41
San Diego 39
Cagayan de Oro 38
Johannesburg 38
Verona 37
Napoli 36
San Francisco 36
Guangzhou 35
Nairobi 35
Santa Clara 35
Baguio City 34
Shanghai 34
Bethlehem 33
Sydney 33
Hangzhou 32
Manchester 32
Tarlac City 32
Catania 31
Cebu City 31
Toronto 31
Brisbane 30
Düsseldorf 30
Los Angeles 30
Ancona 29
Florence 29
Paris 29
Padova 28
Petaling Jaya 28
Sheffield 28
Cagliari 27
Delhi 27
Palermo 27
Islamabad 26
Ho Chi Minh City 25
Mumbai 25
Munich 25
Ningbo 25
Dallas 24
Zhengzhou 24
Amsterdam 23
Brescia 23
Las Pinas 23
Torino 23
Des Moines 22
Angeles City 21
Council Bluffs 21
Dhaka 20
Lanzhou 20
Totale 14.226
Nome #
Are Small Businesses Really Able to Take Advantage of Social Media? 3.918
Donne imprenditrici e banche. Le ragioni di un rapporto difficile 596
Firm performance and economic crisis: Family versus Non-Family Businesses in Italy 438
Donne e imprese familiari. Quale ruolo per le donne quando il leader e’ un uomo? 294
Le donne imprenditrici tra lavoro e famiglia: un legame inscindibile 262
Quali fattori aziendali influenzano la presenza delle donne nella governance delle imprese familiari? Un'analisi empirica nel Centro Italia 255
La continuità delle imprese familiari e la complessità della successione imprenditoriale 250
Evidenze empiriche sul ruolo del commercialista nella gestione del passaggio generazionale 247
Internazionalizzazione e comunicazione economico-finanziaria delle piccole e medie imprese 243
The Portrait Of A Potential Entrepreneur: The Entrepreneurial Aptitude Test (Tai23©) 231
Me ne occupo io”. Donne imprenditrici e work-life balance in tempo di crisi economica 214
Does Gender Matter in Strategies Adopted to Face the Economic Crisis? A Comparison Between Men and Women Entrepreneurs 202
Accountants’ role in the management of succession. Empirical evidence from Italy 202
Women entrepreneurs and gender stereotypes 197
Which drivers affect the presence of women directors on corporate boards? Evidence from Italian medium-sized family firms 194
Do dreams always come true? Daughters’ expectations and experience in family business succession 186
Analyzing Family Business Succession: Making the Invisible Visible 185
Exploring Students’ Entrepreneurial Ideas, Resources, and Actions: The EntreComp Framework 185
Crisi reversibili e crisi irreversibili. Il ruolo delle variabili soggettive nei processi di risanamento delle piccole imprese in crisi 179
The relational capital of universities: a dynamic approach 178
Same crisis, different strategies? Italian men and women entrepreneurs in front of the economic recession 176
Relational capital and knowledge transfer in universities 175
Economic crisis, women entrepreneurs and bank loans: some empirical evidence from Italy 171
Are family ties an opportunity or an obstacle for women entrepreneurs? Empirical evidence
from Italy 168
Cronaca di un cambiamento mancato: l’introduzione della lean accounting in Temporis 166
Family business succession: a female perspective 164
Il cambiamento dei sistemi di controllo manageriale e il processo di successione nelle imprese familiari. Quali possibili relazioni? 163
Women in Business and social media: state of the art and research agenda 162
Did medium-sized family businesses perform better during the recent economic crisis? Empirical evidence from Italy 160
A Model to Assess the Technological Level of Small Businesses 156
Women and Family Businesses. When Women Are Left Only Minor Roles 155
Intellectual Capital in Italian Firms: Evidences from an Empirical Study 154
Strategies Adopted by Male and Female Entrepreneurs in Italy to Face the Economic Crisis 154
Family Business Succession and External Advisors. The Relevance of “Soft” Issues 154
The Adoption of ICT in Small And Medium-Sized Family Business. The Role of Younger Generation 152
Implementing a Lean Accounting System in a Lean Enterprise 152
Defense or Attack? Italian micro enteprises' strategies to face the economic crisis 151
Women in business and social media: implications for female entrepreneurship in Emerging Countries 151
SME Financial Information Management and Web Sites 148
The role of business associations in promoting networking. The Italian case of the “network contracts” 148
L'economia 145
Management Accounting Change in Family Firms : The Ambivalent Role of the Successor 144
The Adoption and use of Social Media by Micro and Small Enterprises 141
Access to Bank Credit During the Economic Crisis. A Comparison Between Italian Male and Female Entrepreneurs 140
The role of emotional leader in women-owned family businesses 139
A model to assess the technological level of small businesses 138
An unbreakable bond between work and family: the experience of Italian women entrepreneurs 137
Does Intellectual Capital Affect Organizational Performance? Unlocking new facets 137
L’impatto delle ICT sul controllo di gestione delle PMI 136
Which strategies to face the economic crisis? A comparison between Italian men and women micro-entrepreneurs 135
Internationalisation and financial communication skills for small businesses 133
The Leaders, the Outcasts, and the Others: Which Role for Daughters in Family Businesses? 133
Family firm and strategies coping the economic crisis. The influence of socio-emotional wealth 132
Imprenditorialità femminile. L’evoluzione del fenomeno e le trasformazioni più recenti nella provincia di Pesaro Urbino 131
Strumenti per il controllo di gestione delle aziende ospedaliere. 130
SME Financial Information Management and Web Sites 128
Nuove strategie produttive per le imprese di piccole dimensioni 126
Il metodo della partita doppia applicato al sistema del reddito 124
Le tre facce del poliedrico Luca Pacioli 123
I bilanci straordinari 122
Entrepreneurial, Renewal and Trust Capital of Italian Firms: Insights from an Empirical Study 122
ICT e piccole imprese. Il cubo della predisposizione tecnologica aziendale 121
Entrepreneurial and Renewal Capital of Finnish and Italian Firms 121
It's always a women's problem! Micro-entrepreneurs, work-family balance and economic crisis 121
Intangibles and Entrepreneurial Capital 120
The use of ICT in manufacturing small and medium-sized firms facing the crisis 120
Le nuove generazioni e la sfida della successione imprenditoriale. Analisi di alcuni casi di successo 119
Azienda Agraria Guerrieri: La forza della tradizione, il coraggio del cambiamento 117
Factors affecting the involvement of women in family business governance. The role of the generational stage 117
Banking and Finance system in Yemen 115
She is the Founder: Who is the Emotional Leader? 115
Entrepreneurial, renewal capitals and financial performance. Evidences from an international research project 115
Interplays between mother and entrepreneurial identities in the succession process: when mom is the founder and passes ‘the baton’ 115
How to adopt an ambidextrous approach to face the economic crisis. A case analysis of an Italian small firm 114
CAPITOLO 10, La comunicazione economico-finanziaria via web delle piccole e medie imprese italiane 113
La comunicazione economico-finanziaria via web delle società non quotate e delle piccole e medie imprese italiane 113
La comunicazione economico-finanziaria via web delle piccole e medie imprese italiane 113
L’adozione di ICT nelle piccole-medie imprese familiari. Fattori soggettivi, relazionali e di contesto 113
Board of directors’ gender diversity in medium-sized family firms. Evidence from Italy 111
Tourism in Yemen 110
Family firms and innovation from founder to successor. An imprinting perspective. 110
Beyond the Founder. Which Conditions Can Favor or Hinder the Professionalization of Family Firms? 110
Introduction to the proceedings of the Piccola Impresa/Small Business 5th Workshop: “Beyond the crisis: what is the future for small businesses? Challenges, opportunities and lessons learned” 109
Women in Family Businesses: Recent Debates and Future Directions 104
Il sistema britannico. - Problemi afferenti la sfera finanziaria. - Crisi reversibili e crisi irreversibili. Il ruolo delle variabili soggettive nei processi di risanamento delle piccole imprese in crisi. 103
Strategie ambidestre e crisi economica: le peculiarità della piccola impresa 103
La comunicazione economico-finanziaria via Internet delle grandi società italiane non quotate 103
La comunicazione interna come strumento di governo della complessità ospedaliera 102
Il ruolo della comunicazione economico-finanziaria nella raccolta di capitale proprio delle piccole imprese. Il caso degli investitori finanziari. 101
Entrepreneurial, Renewal and Trust Capital of Italian Firms: Insights from an Empirical Study 101
Ethics, Social Responsibility and Tax Aggressiveness. Can a Code of Ethics Absolve a Company? 101
Generazioni a confronto in un'azienda di successo: quando la solidità viene dalla famiglia. Il caso L.A.M. s.r.l. 99
Upgrading SME Information Systems: The Role of Venture Capitalist Investors 98
How to prepare younger generations in family firms? A didactic laboratory on generational transfer 98
Female firms and bank's lending behavior: What happened during the great recession? 97
Daughter Entrepreneurs Between Birth Family and Gender Stereotypes 96
Totale 19.036
Categoria #
all - tutte 76.885
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 76.885

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.663 0 0 0 0 0 240 303 286 158 309 109 258
2020/20213.077 63 244 188 378 146 328 197 299 420 289 370 155
2021/20222.257 168 205 238 260 125 70 110 151 256 90 64 520
2022/20236.779 378 232 346 544 624 926 465 632 938 651 628 415
2023/20241.249 103 124 94 106 104 202 105 95 26 98 83 109
2024/20251.382 223 150 686 221 70 32 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 25.357